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实 景 新 作|云 · 裳

日期:2021-06-23 阅读:2948

心向往之 · 行必能至

Ningbo. 2021,SINGO Design


· · ·

云 为 霓 裳   花 火 为 容

在 每 一 个 推 门 的 瞬 间

促 膝 而 坐

现 代 美 式 生 活 的 笑 靥

缓 缓 而 来

云 想 衣 裳 花 想 容   

家 想 悦 动 人 想 谧

Cloud is the rainbow. Fire is content

At every moment of pushing the door

Sit on a porch swing

The dimples of modern American life

Come slowly

Cloud like clothes, flower like appearance

Happy home, quiet people

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项 目 地 址|江 湾 城

设 计 风 格|现 代 美 式

项 目 类 型|大 平 层

项 目 面 积|280 ㎡ 

项 目 设 计|苏 畅

项 目 摄 影|阿 坡

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In the layout of the whole space,designer fully considered the characteristics of the large apartment, decorated with a compact and full rhythm to maximize the overall coordination between furniture and space, with off white as the main tone, ivory white and gray blue, metal as the auxiliary tone, throughout the whole space, warm and comfortable, so that the home is always filled with a touch of elegance and happiness.

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Practical and elegant porch,

Let people feel a unique warm atmosphere as soon as they go home.

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L.R丨客 厅


In the living room of Founder pattern, the designer adopts the combination of off white main tone and jumping gold. The overall color is romantic and fashionable. It perfectly integrates the details of American style with modern fashion elements.

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The layout of the living room adopts the broad style of American style, and the wooden floor is treated with parquet to express the open and innovative design idea.

Ivory painted gold wall, pink coffee wall cloth, silk wall cloth, off white sofa, space leisure and romantic.

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D.R丨餐 厅


Wall painting and fireplace complement each other, subtle and elegant, creating a warm and loving dining atmosphere, dreamy lighting and top geometric patterns echo, making the overall decoration more spiritual.

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W.K丨西 厨



The layout of the guest restaurant and the western kitchen is on the same axis. They perform their duties according to the division of functions, and are harmonious and unified in following the overall tone.

Add more elements to the space: the calmness of the wooden floor, the clearness of the crystal lamp, the jumping of the fireplace, and the multiple superposition make the depth further strengthened, and also make the experience of the living space become hierarchical.

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B.R丨卧 室


The wall design of the master bedroom uses the aesthetic features of American symmetry and three sections. The symmetrical lines of the wall, the reproduction of painting patterns on both sides, and the choice of gorgeous lighting and curtains remove the cumbersome and heavy traditional American style on the whole. Combined with the bed matching of Morandi color system and modern simplicity and elegance, it conveys a new quality lifestyle.

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C.R丨儿 子 房


Exquisite bubble atmosphere, strong lighting and Morandi color soft dress are fashionable and elegant, flexible and interesting in the space. The smooth moving line also makes the space more colorful.

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    +后 记


We hope that through the power of design, we can improve a living space, inject emotion and details into the space, and through the baptism of time, we can guide the people in the space to a new way of life and life trajectory, so that the space will become richer and more story because of people, It also allows owners to find the yearning for life in the elegant and clean space.



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© 效 果 图 - 客 厅

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© 实 景 图 - 客 厅


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© 效 果 图 - 餐  厅

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© 实 景 图 - 餐 厅


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© 效 果 图 - 卧 室

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© 实 景 图 - 卧 室


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© 效 果 图 - 儿 子 房

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© 实 景 图 - 儿 子 房

© 业主真实评价

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© 响 应 业 主 需 求 ,客 户 满 意 度 佳 

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© 竣 工 阶 段 - 筑 就 幸 福


别墅生活 从星杰开始

星杰 让别墅更美好

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咨询专线:400 800 6811


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